In our 31st year of operation!

                  Official Website of The US Coast Guard Amateur Radio Club - W5CGC 

Affilated with the CG CW Operators Assn, CGC Ingham Museum ARC

and the CGC Taney Museum ARC

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This Week's SSB Net Log

This Week's CW Net Log

USCG Amateur Radio Club Registration & Update Form

USCG Amateur Radio Club Officers and By-Laws

USCG Amateur Radio Club Members

CW Operators Assn Members

Original ZUT Numbers List

CW Operators Assn Website

CGC Ingham Museum ARC

In Memoriam - AD4PT

Updated  February 8, 2Ø25 1249 CST



USCG Amateur Radio SSB Pre-Net - Saturday 1100 EST/0800 PST 14.327 mHz
USCG Amateur Radio Primary SSB Net - Saturday 1200 EST/0900 PST 14.300 mHz
USCG Amateur Radio SSB Post-Net - Saturday 1300 EST/1000 PST 14.327 mHz
USCG CW Operators Assn ZUT Net - Thursday 1130 EST/0830 PST 14.052 mHz


                       The USCGARC Mascot is Captain Pepper! He's a 2 1/2 year old Miniature Schnauzer.


Pictured above is a piece of the recently removed 500 kHz distress receiving antenna that stood in place
and served on watch for over 60 years at US Coast Guard Communications Station Honolulu - NMO. Together with
many generations of US Coast Guard Radiomen this feed point insulator stood the continuous vigil over many
decades continuously listening, never failing, and "Always Ready" to hear and put into motion Coast Guard
lifesaving response and action over the large expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

USCG X postings


W5CGC Weather Station Admiral Jet!         November 21, 2010 - June 14, 2021

Weatherlink - W5CGC / KE7A Weather
NOAA Citizens Weather Observer Program

W5CGC and KE7A are both active on WSPR.  Now active on 474.2 khz medium wave. Find more information about this low power digital mode at  


The Admiral Jet crossed the bar then went across the rainbow bridge on June 14, 2021. He was a 1Ø year old Miniature Schnauzer and mascot for the USCG Amateur Radio Net. He would sit quietly in his chair listening unless there was a squirrel or cat that encroched on his turf. Then his strong voice would be heard world wide with full modulation of the radio gear. He was a faithful friend and his departure has left a huge void at Net Control. Fair winds and following seas. RIP Admiral Jet!

    NZ4O MF/HF/6M Radiowave Propagation Forecast


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